Dr. Gary Ivey

Gary Ivey works with the International Crane Foundation as a Research Associate and is an expert on Sandhill Cranes in the Pacific Flyway. He has worked with wildlife for over 40 years, concentration his work on water birds, waterfowl, and wetland conservation. He studied nesting ecology of Sandhill Cranes for his Master’s Thesis and wintering ecology of Sandhill Cranes for his PhD, both from Oregon State University.

Tours of the Guide
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If you have never had the opportunity to visit with Dr. Gary Ivey about Sandhill Cranes, you won’t want to miss this tour. Join Gary on a bus ride around the delta to see cranes feeding in the fields.and watch them during the evening fly-in.
If you have never experienced an early morning fly-out, you won’t want to miss this. Sandhill Cranes begin their day as the sun starts to rise and you’ll want to be there to see it. Best of all, Dr. Gary Ivey will be there to share his knowledge and answer your questions.
If you have never had the opportunity to visit with Dr. Gary Ivey about Sandhill Cranes, you won’t want to miss this tour. Join Gary on a bus ride around the delta to see cranes feeding in the fields.and watch them during the evening fly-in.
November 3, 2024
Dr. Gary Ivey has studied cranes for over 30 years. He will speak about the Sandhill Crane populations that breed and winter in California and the broader Pacific Flyway. He will discuss the behavior, range and biology of the three subspecies that use the flyway and also their conservation needs.
If you have never had the opportunity to visit with Dr. Gary Ivey about Sandhill Cranes, you won’t want to miss this tour. Join Gary on a bus ride around the delta to see cranes feeding in the fields.and watch them during the evening fly-in.
Early morning fly-outs are special. If you have never experienced one, you won’t want to miss this. It is so peaceful at the Woodbridge Ecological Reserve as the night gives way to scarlet colors in the east. Best of all, Dr. Gary Ivey will be there to share his knowledge about Sandhill Cranes and answer your questions.
If you have never had the opportunity to visit with Dr. Gary Ivey about Sandhill Cranes, you won’t want to miss this tour. Join Gary on a bus ride around the delta to see cranes feeding in the fields.and watch them during the evening fly-in.
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