Garry Everett
Garry Everett is a self-taught photographer, currently residing in West Sacramento, that specializes in landscape/nature photography. His interest in photography came a later in life and was sparked while travelling on vacations and business to various locations around the USA and abroad. Photography allows him the opportunity to slow down and appreciate the remarkable world we live in. It provides a sense of escape from the plugged-in, modern and hectic lifestyle we live today. He particularly finds sunrise a very peaceful time of the day, witnessing nature’s diversity as the new day begins.
Julie Giometti-Wahl
Retired educator
Crane docent for the California Department of Wildlife for 6 years. Also, assisted with student Crane tours during 'Crane Season'. Lead tours for the annual Crane Festival. Coordinator for the docent program at the Lodi Lake Nature Area for 3 years. As a docent lead tours for students and the general public in the Nature Area for 6 years.